June 07, 2004

Urban Tapestries at NotCon '04

Yesterday I gave a lightning presentation on Urban Tapestries at the NotCon'04 gettogether. (Five minutes for the presentation, five minutes for questions -- I felt like a tobacco auctioneer!)

One of the best questions (about spam in public annotation systems) got shot down by the moderator -- but people are talking about it over at plasticbag.org.

Posted by nick at June 7, 2004 07:46 PM

Hi there,

I worked on something that may be interesting to you guys. It's called Photoconnector and the idea was to augment normal digital snaps with Location data. The system was small as was the sample size but it was tremendous fun to use. Basically you could thread two narratives together by the fact that they occurred simultaneously and that they had a social bond.

Currently working for Orange in the US trying to find similar things to work on.

a chapter about it is in my rather rambling thesis :-)


I am personally very interested in the idea of shared experience and how we moderate it through digital networks these days.


Posted by: Surj Patel at June 11, 2004 07:12 PM